NK AWS-S200™ Performs Difficult Intubations in Less Than Half the Time of Other Devices i
IRVINE, Calif. – July 21, 2020 — Nihon Kohden, a U.S. market leader in precision medical products and services, today announced that it is now offering the NK AWS-S200 video laryngoscope as part of its critical care portfolio. Designed for the safe and secure intubation of patients in even the most difficult situations, the NK AWS-S200 may reduce the exposure to aerosolized particles ii, which can help protect clinicians while intubating patients suffering from COVID-19 or other respiratory infections.
The lightweight NK AWS-S200 video laryngoscope includes a high-definition color LCD screen and on-screen crosshairs to guide clinicians of all skill levels through an intubation. Studies have demonstrated that the NK AWS-S200 video laryngoscope offers superior laryngeal view iii and a significantly shorter median time to intubate patients who present with difficult airways iv. With the NK AWS-S200, clinicians can intubate even difficult airways in 22.9 seconds v, well below the 30-second threshold recommended for intubations vi and up to 33 seconds faster than other devices vii.
“Whether dealing with COVID-19 or another critical illness, it is imperative that healthcare providers have tools that can help them quickly and easily establish an airway,” said Genoveffa Devers, DNP, MSHA, RN, CPHQ, vice president of clinical and strategic alliances at Nihon Kohden. “The NK AWS-S200 video laryngoscope is designed to accomplish this while also keeping clinicians safe because they don’t have to lean in to visualize the vocal cords and larynx. It is the embodiment of Nihon Kohden’s commitment to bring exceptional and simple solutions to healthcare providers, and NK-HealthProtect™, which is designed to protect the health of those whom we serve.”
The NK AWS-S200 video laryngoscope is the latest advancement Nihon Kohden has brought to market to directly address the needs of healthcare providers and protect clinicians during a public health threat. Clinical studies have demonstrated that intubation produces aerosols that can infect healthcare workers with viral respiratory infections and can result in illness and death.viii Video laryngoscopes may reduce exposure to these aerosolized particles. ix
The video laryngoscope also reduces the potential for cross contamination between patients by using sterile NK PBLADE® disposable blades, which come in four sizes for use in neonates through adults.
The NK AWS-S200 video laryngoscope is designed to allow clinicians to perform intubation without interrupting CPR, a critical advancement since tracheal intubations account for almost 25 percent of all CPR interruptions.x It can also be used on patients who cannot be moved or have their neck extended because of suspected spinal cord injuries. With a built-in channel to guide the endotracheal tube and the ability to continuously observe the intubation procedure, the video laryngoscope can reduce the risk of oral and pharyngeal injury, including mild mucosal bleeding and sore throat.xi
The NK AWS-S200 video laryngoscope, which is sold under the name Pentax AWS-S200 outside the U.S., is now available directly from Nihon Kohden.
About Nihon Kohden Corporation
Founded in Japan in 1951, Nihon Kohden is a leading manufacturer, developer and distributor of medical electronic equipment, with subsidiaries in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Latin America. The company’s products are now used in more than 120 countries, and it is the largest supplier of electroencephalography products worldwide. A pioneer in transformational healthcare technology, Nihon Kohden has envisioned, designed and produced revolutionary devices, such as pulse oximeters, arrhythmia analysis, low-invasive blood volume monitoring and wireless patient monitoring. In the U.S., the company is a trusted source for patient monitoring, sleep assessment, neurology and cardiology instrumentation solutions, and has been rated No. 1 in patient monitoring or telemetry for more than 10 consecutive years (MD Buyline). For more information, visit us.nihonkohden.com.
MD Buyline is a registered service mark of MD Buyline.
Julie Johnson
Senior Director, Communications and Public Relations
VMLB 034 [A]-CO-2924
i Lee, S., Kang, H., et al. Comparison of Pentax-AWS Glidescope and King Vision for difficult-airway intubation in manikins model by paramedics. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2017, Vol. 24(5): 237–24. DOI: 10.1177/1024907917724727.
ii American Heart Association. Consensus Reports: Interim Guidance for the Basic and Advanced Life Support in Adults, Children and Neonates with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19. Circulation. 2020;141:e933–e943. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.047463.
iii Lee, J., Kwak, H.J., et al. Comparison of the Pentax AirwayScope and McGrawth MAC videolarngoscope for endotracheal intubation in patients with a normal airway. Medicine. 2017 Nov; 96(46): e8713. DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008713.
iv Lee, S., Kang, H., et al. Comparison of Pentax-AWS Glidescope and King Vision for difficult-airway intubation in manikins model by paramedics. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2017, Vol. 24(5): 237–24. DOI: 10.1177/1024907917724727.
v Lee, S., Kang, H., et al. Comparison of Pentax-AWS Glidescope and King Vision for difficult-airway intubation in manikins model by paramedics. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2017, Vol. 24(5): 237–24. DOI: 10.1177/1024907917724727.
vi Kacmarek, R.M., Stoller, J.K., Heuer, A.J. Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 10th Edition. Elsevier. 2013.
vii Lee, S., Kang, H., et al. Comparison of Pentax-AWS Glidescope and King Vision for difficult-airway intubation in manikins model by paramedics. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2017, Vol. 24(5): 237–24. DOI: 10.1177/1024907917724727.
viii Tran K, Cimon K, Severn M, Pessoa-Silva CL, Conly J. Aerosol generating procedures and risk of transmission of acute respiratory infections to healthcare workers: A systematic review. PLoS One 2012; 7: e35797.
ix American Heart Association. Consensus Reports: Interim Guidance for the Basic and Advanced Life Support in Adults, Children and Neonates with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19. Circulation. 2020;141:e933–e943. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.047463.
x Monsieurs, K.G., Nolan, J.P., et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015. Resuscitation 95 (2015) 1-311.
xi Lee, J., Kwak, H.J., et al. Comparison of the Pentax AirwayScope and McGrawth MAC videolarngoscope for endotracheal intubation in patients with a normal airway. Medicine. 2017 Nov; 96(46): e8713. DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008713.