Neuromaster MEE-1000 IOM/EP Intraoperative Monitoring System

The Neuromaster MEE-1000 IOM system monitors SSEP/ABR/VEP Evoke Potentials as well as EEG, EMG and TcMEPs. All measurements are displayed in a format to facilitate rapid interpretation. EP and TcMEP waveforms are displayed and stored continuously and the acquired waveforms are displayed in a waterfall/cascaded format. EEG waveforms are displayed in a waterfall format in either CSA or DSA and are stored continuously or periodically. EMG waveforms are displayed in the waterfall format or trend graph window and are also stored continuously and/or periodically. During all measurements, an event is time locked with every entry.

Configured as a 16 or 32 channel system, the Neuromaster ease of use, flexibility and multi-modality features make it the clear choice for your IOM needs.





Important Safety Information:

Caution: Federal (United States) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. See Instructions for Use for full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse events.