AWARE® Alarm Management and Reporting

According to The Joint Commission, improperly managed alarms can compromise patient safety. Nihon Kohden recognizes that eliminating alarm fatigue is a shared responsibility between hospitals, clinicians and monitoring companies. As your ally in health, we have developed AWARE alarm management and reporting, a software application designed to assist clinical teams in identifying, managing and responding to critical alarms.

The AWARE application assists hospitals by producing insightful reports with quantitative data related to arrhythmia, vital signs and technical alarms, which can:

  • Assist in identifying and eliminating nuisance alarms, allowing healthcare professionals to focus on patient care
  • Aid hospitals in achieving The Joint Commission’s national patient safety goals on alarm management
  • Promote meaningful alarm management across the organization

Part of the NK-HiQ™ Enterprise Gateway platform, the AWARE system includes all required software to track, aggregate, segment and analyze alarms emitted by Life Scope® patient monitors.



Important Safety Information:

Caution: Federal (United States) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. See Instructions for Use for full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse events.